Growing Conditions

2019 was a challenging growing season. Above average rainfall persisted throughout the spring with the last rainfall occurring May 31st. These conditions kept the spring free of frost threats but relatively cool, leading to slow vine growth. The cooler weather also delayed fruit development. The summer months were somewhat erratic with short heat waves followed by cooler periods. Ultimately, the cooler weather persisted with only a few autumn heat spikes, leading to slower berry maturities and a later harvest.


Aromas of dried currant, fresh fig, cracked pepper combine with earthy tones.


On the palate, herbaceous flavors of juniper, sage and smoke intertwine with boysenberry, dried violets and sweet vanilla. This full-bodied wine is elegantly balanced by integrated tannins that linger.


Rich in color and body, this blend is a seductive crimson hue.

Food Pairing

Chicken Marsala


The wines were held on their skins for an additional 30 days before they were barreled down into 50% new and 50% once used French oak barrels, where they aged for 12 months. The wine was racked once during aging and a second time to create the final blend just prior to bottling in January of 2021.


Mid-late October brought overnight freezes which required some harvest mitigation, but by early November harvest was complete. Thanks to our meticulous farming we were pleased with the fruit quality.


January 2021